Monday, 2 January 2012

New Year's Resolve

Thinking back on the last year I realise I eat out a lot and I don't really cook as much at home any more. Not only do I like eating the various cuisines out there and figuring out what's in them at the time and then criticising the uses... For some, I think I should be able to create a better version of the dish. This is probably an result of a Chinese up-bringing where you end up going out with your parents for dinner and every single dish is reviewed with eagle eyes for the quality of the ingredients, the measured or un-measured use of spices and herbs and even the presentation and service delivery. It's not hard to see how food has become an obsession for me.

I'd like to share my "love" / "obsession" (zetsuai) for food with people. This means going out to restaurants pre- and post- reviews, cooking at home, cooking lessons, experimental failures... and just general ponderings.

I'm no Poh or Kylie Kwang or Luke Nguyen and I don't want to in-fusionize Asian cuisine. Some works and some don't. I'm not a fusion food fan. The exploration of new spices and sauces are great but some cuisines have worked it out already but mixing with a five spice sauce with a steak burger would be a bad idea.

I don't make New Year Resolutions, only because they end up being broken. Instead I'm going to resolve to do something for myself and my family this year. My resolve for the new year? To cook more. Instead of stress baking, I shall cook. This is not a Julie/Julia project, it's not even about showing the recipes I attempt. It's just a way to keep track of this resolve. This will be more honest than just critiquing existing foods and restaurants. I will still post reviews once in a while, but there is less pressure to be witty and note take during meals. The photography before eating is already a time critical delay to the eating.

If anyone reading this would like to join me on any food adventures or have any suggestions to what to make / go out and eat please leave a comment :)

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